Buena Vista Receives Community Development Block Grant for Downtown Revitalization

Kristina RamseyCBDG Related, News

City of Buena Vista, VA
Office of Community & Economic Development
2039 Sycamore Ave  Buena Vista, VA
Phone: (540) 261-8607

News Release
12 June 2021

Buena Vista Receives Community Development Block Grant for Downtown Revitalization

Buena Vista, VA – The City of Buena Vista is pleased to announce that we have been offered a Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $1,000,000 in support of the Buena Vista Downtown Revitalization Project. The award, from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), follows the completion of the Downtown Revitalization Strategy funded by a previous community development planning grant from DHCD.

The grant will provide funding for streetscape and related improvements in the downtown area, façade grants for privately owned buildings in the project area, a wayfinding signage program throughout the City to install directional signage to downtown and significant attractions, and administration costs.

“We are thrilled about this major step forward in revitalizing downtown! This is another demonstration of how people in Virginia and beyond are recognizing what a fantastic place Buena Vista is,” says Tom Roberts, Director of Community and Economic Development. “Rebuilding an economy and a lifestyle takes years and many projects and players, but this funding will move the needle on the appearance of our city.”

The City will continue to work with the Department of Housing and Community Development to meet the grant’s period of performance. Please stay tuned for additional updates.


For more information on the Community Development Block Grant process and previous activities, visit https://www.buenavistava.org/CBDG