City Council Meetings

Council Meetings are regularly held the first and third Thursday of each month at 6 P.M., unless otherwise noted, in the municipal building – 2039 Sycamore Avenue.

Guidelines for Public Comment during City Council meetings:

  • Except for public hearings, public participation shall be limited to the public comment segment of the agenda.
  • All public comments shall be limited to three (3) minutes per person for all agenda and non-agenda items.
  • Any person wishing to speak at a public hearing or during the public comment segment of the meeting must sign the appropriate "sign-in sheet" upon entering the room before the start of the meeting.
  • City Council will not engage in dialogue with speakers during public hearings or public comment.
  • Members of the City Council, speakers, and audience members must observe proper decorum; comments shall not involve personal, disrespectful, or slanderous attacks on individuals.
  • The use of profane, vulgar, inflammatory, threatening, abusive or disparaging language, or racial or ethnic slurs will not be tolerated. All attendees must be respectful to others present at all times.
  • No person attending a meeting or public hearing shall engage in booing, handclapping, or otherwise disrupt the formality of the proceedings.
  • Banners, flyers, or other signs are not permitted in the Council Chambers.
  • Any attendees leaving the meeting prior to adjournment must do so in a quiet and orderly manner.
  • Any person who disregards or violates these guidelines, or generally conducts themselves in an inappropriate manner may be asked to leave and may be barred from further participation at future meetings.

For questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Sarah Burch, City Manager’s Office, 2039 Sycamore Avenue, Buena Vista, VA at (540) 261-8601 or email

City Council Agenda

Please see below the agenda and attachments for the upcoming City Council meeting.

PSA Agenda & Attachment - June 20, 2024

City Council Agenda & Attachments - June 20, 2024

Citizens who desire to speak on matters not listed on the agenda will be heard during the public comment portion of the meeting. Citizens who desire to speak on an item listed on the agenda, open for public comment, will be heard when that item is considered.

Please note: Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. Any additional comments may be submitted in writing to the City Manager.

Previous Council Agenda and Attachments:

City Council Agenda & Attachments - June 6, 2024

City Council Minutes

Below are minutes of recent City Council meetings. Minutes not provided here are available through the City Manager’s Office. Please contact (540) 261-8601.